Happy New Year!
Whether you're seeing your eye doctor or you are a business leader, we all want 20/20 Visual sharpness and clarity, right? Right! Front and center in this new decade, 89% of marketers expect the customer experience to be their differentiator.
The Ultimate Customer Experience is the battleground for every business today.
Accountant, retail, hospitality, insurance, financial services, healthcare, whatever industry you are in, WOW your customer with a service experience they will remember...and tell others! Whatever your product or service, face-to-face or online (like Apple and Zappos), how do your customers experience your brand???
Here are a few ideas to stimulate your own:
Carvana (pictured) creates a 9-story tall glass-enclosed parking structure smack in the middle of a congested highway. It's a giant vending machine that delivers a used car or truck to its online buyer who chooses to drive to any one of their 12 locations, put their magic coin into the machine and watch their car come down from the sky! Imagine buying a car like a candy bar.
Dutch Bros Coffee breaks all the rules with their well-caffeinated staff who genuinely seem happy to see you! Dutch Bros isn't competing in the coffee business...they are competing in the people business. Their mission is to transform lives with an experience rather than just customer transactions.
Think Trader Joe's. Over Thanksgiving when customers shopped, the receipt machine would sing "gobble gobble gobble" as it printed your receipt. Wonder what it sings today for the New Year?
Emotional connections are at the very core of the Ultimate Customer Experience:
Coca Cola says 'taste the feeling.'
The new Bicycle Hotel/Casino says 'Experience the Excitement!'
Social Spin Laundromat lightened the laundry load offering free wash and dry services in honor of Mother's Day, including free pastries, upbeat music, volunteers who register people to vote, social services agencies and medical providers.
And, yes, Cookies from Home had a vented oven over the front door, hot cookies right out of the oven all day long, and a 'cookie person' welcoming you to our Victorian parlor.
Many of these ideas won't cost you any money. Awareness is your first step!
Have you shopped your business lately?
Have you seen YOU through your customer's eyes?
Can you see how little things can make a big difference?
What's your 20/20 Vision??
Wanting success is not enough. Competition is fierce! You must take action...and invest in your growth as a business and as the leader.
Your next step: Talk with me!
The Ultimate Customer Experience Action Plan is waiting for your attention:
2/hr 1:1 Ultimate Customer Experience Strategy Session will be your marketplace differentiator: an experience is THE most difficult thing for any competitor to imitate! Only $500...a priceless offer!
Sign up today for January 2020 time slots! Let's do this!
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