4 Tips to Manage Overwhelm for Your Health and Joy
December 2018
It's Holiday Time and hustle and bustle is amped up: at work you've got year-end deadlines and at home, there are gifts to be bought and wrapped, decorations to get up, parties to plan. The list goes on. It can be overwhelming to keep it all straight. I bet you're asking: So, where's the joy?
The truth is the holidays only amplify our usual struggle and juggle. Overwhelm becomes the norm. Uh oh.
You deserve a better, fuller, more joyful life!
Here are 4 Tips to Manage Overwhelm for your Health and Joy:
- BREATHE: Sit still, everyday, and breathe deeply, quietly. Try 10 minutes at first, then 20. Try mornings, add evenings. Breathe. Follow your breath in, and out. This will put you in the present moment. You can make better/different decisions now.
- CHOOSE PRIORITIES: Ask your Self: what do I really need to do today, and what can be left for tomorrow? Make a list of no more than 3 things that you need to do each day and either delegate other items or put them off until the next day.
- SERENITY NOW!: Learn to accept what is. Life isn't perfect and things happen: spouses are late, employees don't follow instructions, kids fight and bosses change their minds at the 11th hour. Learn to deal with problems that you can control and detach from those that you can't. Do not get attached to outcomes. Your anger and frustration because things didn't quite turn out the way you wanted, affects your health and well-being. Remember the Serenity Prayer: Accept things I can not change...Courage to change the things I can...and the Wisdom to know the difference.
- FOCUS on UPSIDE: What can you learn from this situation? If something went wrong or you are stressed, what does this tell you? Something as simple as 'giving yourself more time' could be significant information, critical to you having a different outcome next time.
#5. Contact me for a goal setting/strategy session for you, 2019 and your business. It's life-changing.
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