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changing the face of aging
Susan Brooks
Juicy Endings

Juicy Endings
December 2021

Happy and Healthy New Year to you!

It's the end of another's the end of today before tomorrow begins...Whether you take that first step into your new job or choose to end or begin a new relationship or choose to move to a new location or transition into your next day or next year, know there is a sacred space between today and tomorrow...a space you don't want to miss by hurrying mindlessly forward into the next moment.

It's this moment that deserves your reflection:

Take this moment to pause...

I was talking with a colleague from long ago, a leader I respected. She shared that this Friday was to be her last day after working 25 years in this leadership position. She had resigned to retire, to what, she didn't know. She was ready to quietly and simply slide out the door into the abyss.

"Wait a minute," I said.

I acknowledged her courageous move and, more importantly, thanked her for the impact she had in both business and in our community. She was silent, as if she really never considered the results of her labor from all those years, all those decisions and commitments she made over the years, and the team she built to deliver the promise and vision of her work. She mattered. She made change happen. She meant something. 'Oh,' she said, 'I was just doing my job'. Not true, I reminded her. You delivered your legacy! Silence still. I asked her to please take a pause, before you leave this office, reflect on all the moments, the victories AND the challenges, that played out in this room, your office. Let it in, identify the nuggets to remember, and then let the rest that when your foot crosses that threshold on Friday afternoon you got all the juice from this chapter in your life.

Let the rest go... so that when your foot crosses that threshold on Friday afternoon you got all the juice from this chapter in your life.

You are complete here, empty, done with this chapter, like one big exhale... wide open to the possibilities and potential waiting to be found in her next chapter.

Hold on to this sacred moment, before both feet are already moving forward into action.

You want the juice of every moment, right?

You want this moment to last, to memorize every detail of what you are feeling right now, right?

Take the best part of your history with you...

I spent a Saturday in my closet with Juliana, my one and only grandaughter. I was modeling my treasured memories with my own grandmother. Jules will soon be 17. She was with me for hours as I was 'shedding' many well-worn clothes that had been my old friends for too long. I shared each story about when I bought that jacket or this scarf or dress and where I wore it, and why I still loved it so. Finally, Jules stopped me mid-sentence, apologized that it was time for her to go home now. She watched my face melt into disappointment. And then I said, 'As much time as we spend together, Juliana Skye, know I will always want more!' I will always want more: one more breath, one more day, one more kiss, one more bite of LIFE...that's who I am!' She smiled that soft, sweet smile of hers, the smile that curls my toes with glee, we hugged and giggled quickly, as she flew out the door.

Hold that last moment, the sacred moment, just a little bit longer, until all the juice is absorbed into your heart and soul before it evaporates and is lost forever...

Ultimate Customer Experience Idea of the Month!

The Ultimate Customer Experience Serves You Right!™

Michael Bedore, Banner University Hospital

Spending 7 hours in the Emergency Room of a hospital could be my worst nightmare, watching people in pain, families desperately huddled together, frozen in disbelief and fear. My husband and I had been in a car accident hours before, where a driver ran a red light and it was the front of my car that stopped him from moving forward. Amazingly fortunate, no one was hurt, but my car was totaled. Getting our bodies checked out was the right thing to do.

Because others were in much more of a crisis than we were, we waited hours and hours before our names were called. Regurgitation, cries of excruciating pain, humans of all ages filled every seat, each praying for help and wanting to be served. I watched the staff do what they do, wondering how they come to work here everyday, grateful that they did.

After one elderly lady collapsed in her pain and sickness, her devoted husband stayed by her side, sheepishly doing his best to shield her from the embarrassment and stares. That's when Michael Bedore showed up. He's the janitor of the ER. He cleans up the mess. He makes sure the toilets are clean. I watched him take his time, methodically doing what he had to do, as if it was just another day of clean-up and he was doing his part, which he was. I simply had to acknowledge his work ethic so I went over to him as he was mopping up the floor, and I thanked him. He looked up at me, surprised that someone noticed, and smiled. Later, when I saw him cleaning the restrooms, I said hello and asked him how he keeps such a great attitude. 'Oh, I'm retired now. I'm doing this work just for fun.' He smiled widely as he saw my jaw drop...that's when I took this picture of him. Michael shared that on this day he had two teeth pulled and still came into work and, because of the staffing shortage, he works on his day off 'to do my part to help our patients.'

Michael Bedore works hard to serve. His work is essential. His perspective and how he serves deserves to be recognized. He is proud of his work and he touches so many people in ways people don't always notice. I say THANK YOU, Michael, for your service and humanity!

Please, if and when you have a customer service experience worthy of note, share it with me! You will be sending this business new customers...and I'll treat you to a consistently fabulous customer experience at Dutch pleasure! Email us HERE.

SHE RISES! What would you do today if you were brave?

As a business growth specialist for both business owners and corporate leaders eager to increase profitable revenue with controlled and strategic growth, Susan is the real deal.

She has run the entrepreneurial gamut of starting, growing and selling an iconic, multi-million dollar, award-winning company...a company that sold cookies, yes, lots and lots of cookies! She's been 'in the trenches with her red boots on the ground' for more than 30 years. Susan's proven strategies deliver results: a financial sustainable business that remains competitive in today's changing market.

Susan brings her first-hand knowledge and expertise to her every client. You will experience Susan's passion and enthusiasm as she helps you create a service-driven culture, coaching existing and potential leaders, strategic and innovative marketing that demonstrates your company's brand and messaging. Entrepreneurs and professionals hire Susan to get their business on the fast track, off stuck, and onward to a profitable and sustainable company.

Susan celebrates five decades of marriage, two flourishing adult children and five genius grandchildren.

Juicy ways and energizing action steps: how to soak in the wisdom and energy of becoming your own Modern Elder*
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Susan Brooks

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